The Origins of Merengue

There are two schools of thought as to the origin of this captivating dance. Some believe that it was first a peasant dance practiced by African slaves in the Dominican Republic, saying that dragging the leg relieved the irritation caused by the irons. Others say that a war hero, General Maringie, was dancing like this by dragging his injured leg. Today, the furious rhythms of Merengue encourage dancers from around the world to move to the sound of the music.

How to dance Merengue

Small grounded steps make up the base of Merengue. This dance is introduced as a walk, but can be developed as a very rhythmic dance. With the Cuban motion and the animation of the body, the Merengue appears as a dance of festivity.

Learn Merengue

 The Merengue is written in 2/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time. The rhythmic accent is heard on the first beat and the third beat.

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